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2015 FBI CornHuck Coverage by "The Law and Terry"


Awesome job guys, Bart and I are going to sit down and figure out our travel plans for next year. We have to be realistic and remember that both of us have full time jobs on top of the websites, but it seems like we might just have to schedule this one. And not because we could do ANY better with coverage, as you guys KILLED it, it's just we wanna come and have fun!!


70cc twin V2


  • uploadfromtaptalk1435717056730.jpg
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Team WTFO (Watch The Fun Occur)
Awesome job guys, Bart and I are going to sit down and figure out our travel plans for next year. We have to be realistic and remember that both of us have full time jobs on top of the websites, but it seems like we might just have to schedule this one. And not because we could do ANY better with coverage, as you guys KILLED it, it's just we wanna come and have fun!!
I dont know if you could handle this much fun.
I can tell you one thing: if you come once, you'll be back.