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Recent content by frydaddy08

  1. F

    Scale 112” - Taylorcraft by HeyLuc & Snoopy.

    Tony & Snoopy, there is an article on the ProModeler website about adding capacitors for extra power. He tells how to make them as well as sells them. The benefit of caps
  2. F

    Scale BUSA Super Cub

    Tony, I have always read that the exit area should be 3-4X the inlet area to allow for the expanded/heated air to exit.
  3. F

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    Have you seen the videos of the guys flying them backwards? Don't remember if it was one like yours or a foamy. Almost like the helo guys dancing them around.
  4. F

    Scale 112” - Taylorcraft by HeyLuc & Snoopy.

    Yes, he started yeeeaaarrs ago with making plaster moulds from ABS parts and wood, then went to Ultracal from wood/foam forms. I don't remember if he did any moulds with epoxy/resin gel coats and cloth over wood/foam like is the norm now. Everyone fiberglasses the wood/foam and then waxes and...
  5. F

    Yippee! What the postman brought

    If you have a Harbor Freight nearby, take a look at the Bauer oscillating sander, converts between belt and spindle. The table also tilts. I'm happy with mine so far.
  6. F

    Mini lathe (and mill) discussion.

    Lots of videos on YT for F360 (I'm sure others as well). BalsaDust has a great step-by-step in the CAD forum for aircraft design. I'm on a Mac and the biggest learning curve so far is the keystrokes for maneuvering the drawing ( zoom, turning, etc), that and I have NO artistic ability.
  7. F

    Airplane Design Fusion 360

    Thanks for doing this BD, it helps a lot. I've been going with YT vids from different people to get ideas on how to use the different 'commands' and different ways to approach the same outcome. Would like to see you continue this as it is a simple design that puts all the different...
  8. F

    Scale Wendell Hostetler 30% Piper Cherokee Glass Fuselage Build.

    There's some guys on RCG that build Giant Scale Electric from foam. Foam ribs, formers, etc. and sheet with foam.