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Search results

  1. D

    60" Edge EXP Build and Fly

    Hey, you're here too! =) Thanks, not sure if I'll do it in the nearest future, I'm not quite "there" yet with my flying. But trying to learn all the time. Happy flying everyone, the Edge is still keeping me smiling. :D
  2. D

    60" Edge EXP Build and Fly

    Thanks, but I don't quite get the technique you are using? On some sailplanes I saw at the previous club, they used clear packing tape, taped at the wing or stab itself, and then folded back to tape itself and fill the gap between wing/stab and that particular control surface. I did it on one...
  3. D

    60" Edge EXP Build and Fly

    Maidened mine yesterday, and wow, what a machine! =) This is just far above excellent! I used the Xoar 16x8, but forgot to take the temperatures after the flights, a lot of people at the field. It was -3-5 Celcius so wasn't to worried. I think I have to order another one just to have it ready to...
  4. D

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Thanks a lot! We have to fly up here also, even though I envy the weather on your (current) part of the world. You are more than welcome to come flying at our club if you ever go a couple of miles (or 500km to be more spesific..) north of Bergen. We are here: googlemaps But still, I mean it...
  5. D

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Hello and happy new year from Norway. Thanks for making this forum. Have already learnt and picked up some from the articles posted here - and hope to learn and progress more in 2013. Are flying a lot of 48" Skywing kits, some 3DHS 48" Edge, a little Ultimate AMR and will to get the EF 60" Edge...