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GSN Covers the 2014 Horizon Indoor Saturday


Hey guys, I made it to the dome bright and early today. Well, sort of early, I rolled in at 9:30. I would have been earlier but the thermostat in my hotel room would not turn the heat on, so when I went to bed the room was a bit cold. So I was messing with the settings and nothing was making the thing work. So I just bundled up a bit more piled under the covers and fell asleep. While sometime during the night the heat turned on FULL BLAST and stayed on ALL night. I woke up in a 95 deg sauna with my tongue stuck to the pillow from dehydration. Just my luck right! Anyways.. after the three S's I was off to the event.

At 9:30 in the morning, the place was packed. Wall to wall to wall people! Planes everywhere. I bumped into the head honcho Mr. Terry Nitsch. As usual Terry was running to and fro organizing group flights, contests, jumping on the mic, if you have been to the Horizon Indoor and you see this guy do me a favor and pat this man on the back. He works Hard and organizes an awesome event! THANK YOU TERRY for all your hard work!

Right after speaking with Terry I finally saw my good friend Kim Payne from Horizon. Kim was holding down fort and answering questions about the huge pile of products Horizon makes that are perfect for indoor events like this! Speaking with Kim Horizon ha no intension of slowing down and they are keeping her busy! SO if you see Mrs. Payne please say thanks for all her hard work!

After a little more walking around I came across my good friends and awesome hobby supporters the FliteTest crew. Josh, Austin, Alex and even David and Chad were here!
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Also, if you have not done it yet, check out Chad Kappers new Sci-fi webisode show "Rotor DR1". It is truly awesome!

Next up I bumped into long time buddy Scott from Model Aero. Scott is known for his foam sea planes, but he had something new, a very slow flying space walker. Really laid back fun right there!

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Just as I finished with Scott I turned around and bumped into a good friend, a long time buddy Mr. Dave Mathewson from the AMA. Dave gave me a lot of good advice about bringing a new business into the world and wished Bart and I much luck with GSN. He said he will be a supporter. This made me happy. Dave is good people!

I milled around took some pics, shot some video and then was greeted with a bearded smile that could only be the one and only "Azarr". Before Madonna, before Cher, Azarr is the original one name super star. Super positive person and one heck of a great guy. Azar is taking on a new mission (that GSN will also partake in) and is trying to help raise funds for the Team USA F3P team. Also he debuted his new twin engine 3D machine. He has the rudder coupled to the motors and eventually hopes to be able to do some crazy flat spins and pirouettes! So rock on Azarr, great chatting with you today buddy!

Next I got a full report on Art Pesch's fish, they are all doing wonderfully, his home renovations are complete and he is ready for a new project. So if you know Art and need help with something now is a great time to ask!

And finally here is a random picture of Team Futaba's Frank Noll shoving a piece of cake into his Pie Hole!
Hobbico beat out Horizon for the 2014 Horizon Indoor Golf Challenge! So congrats Guys! Frank seems to have enjoyed the spoils!

Ok guys, photo flood below! Videos tomorrow!
I had a great time at the 2014 Horizon Indoor Electric fest! Got to chat with so many people. It was great to see everyone!
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Staff member
Great job Sleepy! I wish I could have a pull on the sticks of every single plane there.
Thanks for the coverage:way_to_go:


Great coverage as always SleepyC! Will there be any video coverage from GSN soon? I have always wanted to attend and participate in this awesome event. So many great pilots and great people!

Don Szczur

New to GSN!
Great coverage. This was our first time attending the Horizon Indoor and we had a blast. Here are a few pictures from Saturday night T-28 races and Sunday awards ceremony.


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