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Tips for Light and Strong Repairs — Quick Fixes for your Giant Scale Airplane


Staff member
Over the years, I’ve seen many giant-scale airplanes suffer a structural failure that ended with damage that ended the flying for that day. I have experienced a few situations myself. Recently, while flying my 30cc DHC-2 Beaver, a wheel collar came loose and I experienced a rough, aborted takeoff. The landing-gear strut dug into the ground, and the Beaver nosed over and suffering a prop strike. The impact, also resulted in a broken tailwheel mount and some broken fiberglass landing-gear fairings. Long story short, here’s how I fixed my model.


After any accident, it is important examine your model to ensure that further damage doesn’t exist. With the Beaver’s nose-over, the obvious damage was a broken propeller, a broken landing-gear fairing, and a damaged tailwheel mount….

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