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Ultimate Futaba System NEW

Futaba RC Systems Announces the APDS (Any Protocol Diversity System)

The ultimate RC system ever produced is soon to be released by Futaba RC Corporation. One of the best kept secrets ever is soon be reality.

The APDS system is transmitter that is unlike any other now and well into the future. Here are some of the announce features .

*The transmitter is computer and phone. It feature 100% voice recognition activation yet still allows for tactile touch screen use. Unlike other touch screens, this system is usable with gloves for those who fly in cold weather. In fact each system includes a set of leather gloves with a micro “touch button†on each index finger tip to allow each operation of the touch screen as needed. Wireless Bluetooth headset is included and allows you to hear all tones and warnings as well as allows you to give voice commands. The phone/text/email is disable if the receiver is on.

*The most dynamic feature of the APDS is the ability to operate any receiver of any brand. This includes all Telemetry functions. Much like selecting a printer on your PC, you simple select the receiver you want to use from the receiver list. The list is updated through the computer. The powerful computer will automatically decode the selected receiver and convert it to the FASST protocol, the most dependable link RC. THE TRANSMITTER IS UNLIMITED CHANNEL.

* The computer has the ability to operate any of the new breed of multi-rotor receiver units that operate on higher bands. Simply select and use.

The system will function with any cell phone and operating system. You choose and it will link through Bluetooth to your phone or tablet. It is only in computer mode when selected.
*When you power on it will announce system updates automatically and update.
*The Internet capability allows for on line trouble shooting with service technicians. The techs can log into your system and do diagnostics online.
*All flight data will be stored and downloaded automatically to your phone of tablet.
*You can create “groups†that can monitor your flight real time.


*The APDS transmitter features sticks with no internal moving parts. They are electronic like modern aviation aircraft controls. The sticks are completely programable to your desired feel. Unbelievably smooth and precise.

*Trims are operated through voice commands or small tactile touch pads. Each trim is programable to your desired rate. You can simply say, “trim up, trim down, trim right roll†etc...

*The battery is a proprietary battery system that provides unlimited hours of use. How? Charging is accomplished 3 ways, 1) movement. Patented movement sensors provide a charging system that is continuously in operation. A 15 minute drive to your flying site will charge the battery. 2) While flying a small solar cell will also charge. 3) Finally, a light activated charger is built into the sensor system. Any natural or artificial light will charge the transmitter!!

The large screen is soft screen technology. It is hinged on the edges to allow for several degrees of tilt for and aft. You can also “cross fill,†all data to your mini iPad, iPhone, Samsung etc. that can mount to the top of the transmitter. This is just a glimpse of the transmitter features.


The receiver that comes with the APDS is unlimited channels. It is roughly the size of half a sugar cube. There are two small pliable antennas. THERE ARE NO PLUGS. Why? Because the servos all operate wirelessly!!! The first of its kind. There are no switches. When your transmitter is powering up, you voice command, “receiver on,†or hit the guarded receiver on/off button. This cannot be accidentally turned off.

The receiver has a small battery built in. Tests have demonstrated several months of “on†time. Replacement is simple and less than $5. Status is displayed on the transmitter screen.

All Telemetry sensor information is contained in the receiver. GPS, Vario, Altitude are stock with no peripherals needed. The transmitter will also display telemetry strength for all sensors +/- percentage of error. The sensors are all wireless. Current sensors that will be available include, fuel flow, RPM, temperature, landing gear status. For turbines, TOT, TIT, fuel flow, nozzle status etc. All data is recorded for each start and stored until erased by the user. Some other exciting sensors will be available and will be announced at the release date.

One of the most amazing features of the receiver is the built in SAS, Stabilization Augmentation System. This is basically a 3 axis gyro. The user selects how many axis to stabilize. They are assignable and adjustable for each flying condition. This also incorporates an “auto trim†function.

To take this a step further, there is “first flight†command. Your first flight of a new plane, you chose this feature. You take off and the plane is automatically in stabilized flight. You control the flight but it is auto stabilized. Once at a safe altitude, you command, “auto trim.†The SAS recognizes the corrections in trim needed for stabilized flight and inputs them into memory. You will receive a dual beep notice that the trims are memorized. You can now command, “SAS Off.†You’ll receive a 4 beep tone (aviation industry standard) that the SAS is off. The system can be voice commanded to off for competition work.

There are many other voice command trim functions such as knife edge auto trim, flap/elevator compensation for sailplanes to name few. The possibilities are unlimited.

If for some reason your CG is off and the pitch trim required is excessive, the SAS will remain active and cannot be turned off. You’ll receive an alternating, hi/lo tone for 5 seconds with voice notice of “aircraft out of parameter, Land.†This will repeat three times. The data will be logged and you’ll get a graphic display of the trim displacement.


Futaba is excited to announce the special line of APDS servos. These too are wireless with a self contained battery. Following the SBus technology, you simply assign the servo the channel you’d like and you are done. Factory testing has logged several months of “on†time with little battery drain. Battery replacement fast and inexpensive. Futaba believes you’ll need to send the servos in for service before draining the battery.

This is also proprietary technology with an International Patent for this extremely low current drain motor. All servos have a speed of .08. You can slow them down in the transmitter if needed. The servos will be very cost effective because of reduced parts count. The resolution is so significant that the actual “number†is remaining confidential. It is reported as at least triple the highest current resolution. This is possible with the Patented servo motors.

The battery status is of course displayed on start up. The display will give you current percentage of power remaining, estimated life at normal use and a life status based on your flying trends.

Don’t fear, you won’t have to buy all new servos if you don’t want to. Futaba has developed a wireless module with power for non APDS servos. Plug your servo into the module, go to the transmitter, select the brand of servo from the data base, assign the channel and you are done. Servos not listed are not listed for a reason. Some cheap $4 digitals from third world suppliers will not work.

Simply plug any servo from the digital servo data base into the module and you now have wireless servos. The module is about the size of a female servo plug and slightly thicker to accommodate the battery. The module is programmed to the channel you desire and does not have to be removed to do so. You will likely have higher battery drain but still more than enough for months of flying pleasure.

You can chose the battery voltage from 3 to 8 volts to each servo for maximum flexibility. The large servos such as Seikos have a slightly larger module and up to 14 volts available.

This is just a very small sampling of the capability of the new and revolutionary Futaba APDS. With the Toledo show around the corner, who knows what might be on display. No price has been announced but we were advised it would be extremely consumer friendly and quite a surprise.