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  1. ericb

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    I was able to pretty much wrap up my engine install tonight.
  2. ericb

    Plane Stand Pro - fuselage stand.

    This stand made my project so much easier. I went from right side up to upside down a bunch tonight and this made it a breeze.
  3. ericb

    91" Extreme Flight Extra

    Wiring pretty much wrapped up.
  4. ericb

    91" Extreme Flight Extra

    Getting it mounted up.
  5. ericb

    91" Extreme Flight Extra

    Previous engine was a DA70, so a little modification was in order. Terry was nice enough to cut me some standoffs.
  6. ericb

    91" Extreme Flight Extra

    This should do for power.:fist_pump:
  7. ericb

    91" Extreme Flight Extra

    I was able to purchase Terry's from him after it's last incident, so I am rehabing it. Here is the start. Some of the servos are not HV, so I am using a regulator.
  8. ericb

    Extreme Flight 94" MXS

    Mine is on the way. I am putting a DA70 in it.
  9. ericb

    Group Build, 20cc Profile ARF, Who's In?

    I am doing kind of the same thing. I just received these landing gear and will put them on shortly. The stock ones are very soft. http://www.wrongwayrc.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=18_70&product_id=385
  10. ericb

    2015 Black Hills Huckfest - August 26th-30th

    True dat. I'll sell it minus engine if needed.
  11. ericb

    2015 Black Hills Huckfest - August 26th-30th

    I have one also Jake. Last chance before I part them out. Need some funds for other projects. Allright guys, I need to get some stuff sold. Viper - add rx and batts - 2300 - DLE120, 7950's, EF Edge - add rx - 1100 - GP61, Savox and Hitec HV servos EF Extra - add RX - 1100 - MVVS80, Savox and...
  12. ericb

    2015 Black Hills Huckfest - August 26th-30th

    Last chance before I part them out. Need some funds for other projects. Allright guys, I need to get some stuff sold. Viper - add rx and batts - 2300 - DLE120, 7950's, EF Edge - add rx and batts- 1200 - GP61, Savox and Hitec HV servos EF Extra - add RX and batts- 1100 - MVVS80, Savox and...
  13. ericb

    Plane Stand Pro - fuselage stand.

    Started the rehab on a new to me EF Extra. Man this stand is awesome. It makes everything so easy and the side stands/tool holders are great.
  14. ericb

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    Started the rehab on the new to me EF Extra. Rudder was smushed so needed to be replaced. I cut the hinges and then drilled them out. Worked on 3 of the 5, so I added a couple extra.
  15. ericb

    3D How to "build it light"

    Still need a battery, just have to charge less. 2 lips are really light now days.
  16. ericb

    DA-70 Alternatives

    I run the MVVS 80 on an EF Extra 91". Very smooth and powerful. I run a Falcon 27X9.
  17. ericb

    2015 Black Hills Huckfest - August 26th-30th

    Meet you part way.:way_to_go:
  18. ericb

    2015 Black Hills Huckfest - August 26th-30th

    Allright guys, I need to get some stuff sold. Viper - add rx and batts - 2300 - DLE120, 7950's, EF Edge - add rx and batts- 1200 - GP61, Savox and Hitec HV servos EF Extra - add RX and batts- 1100 - MVVS80, Savox and Hitec HV servos Crack Yak Mini MXS-c w/5 batteries - TH power and servos -...
  19. ericb

    2015 Wounded Warrior Benefit Fly-In Ottumwa, IA

    Awesome pics. Thanks for sharing.