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GSN Admin


HOLY KRAP!!! Glad you're ok... wow, that's a hard hit!

Yeah that was three years ago. Was just sore for a few days and a couple cuts and scratches from crawling out the passenger side of the car. Couldn't get the drivers door to open from the inside.


640cc Uber Pimp
And kept over correcting with opposite rudder. Lol. Swerved to miss a deer. Should have hit it.
Hitting them certainly has it's drawbacks too. I had a minivan in the shop a few years ago that hit a big buck and the rack went through the windshield. Luckily it was on the passenger side and there was nobody in the passenger seat. The rack even went through the headliner and tried to poke out the roof.
We had a guy hit a pig back in the late 70's, that was ugly.

The funniest one was when my buddies wife was stopped at a stop sign and got hit by a turkey. Right where the fender meets the door, and it caved the fender in so bad you couldn't open the door. My buddy didn't believe her story till he saw the feathers trapped between the door and fender.:)


Yeah I had just gotten off of a 12 hr night shift headed home. Was tired and and not thinking when it ran out in front of me.


Staff member
Glad you ended up ok. Yep....Always hit an animal. Unless its a Moose. Those things are like trees, swerve to miss those

My wife's Uncle Bill hit a cow on a motorcycle years ago. Laid him up for about 6 months. He's mostly okay now other than a slight limp. Luckily for him he's built like a bear. :p