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Joe Nall 2016 = QUIET!!!


I like 'em "BIG"!
This all seems very controversial. But for what it is worth and "ONLY" my unbiased and neutral opinion. I have two "BIG" birds and one midsized ship that could possibly make the trip to Nall next year. For what it is worth, All three are proudly displaying canister mufflers. My PAU 300 is so deafeningly quiet, you can not even hear it in the air. I often have to listen really hard to hear if it is even running. That is "NOT" however, to say that it won't rip that prop severely. My 260 with the L-80's are very quiet, not entirely as quiet in the air as my 300, but still not an issue. It also will rip the prop like there is no tomorrow. As does my Sukhoi. KS90's on that girl. The same holds true for that plane as well. Quiet, but will rip the prop like it is shredding it. A couple of key things here that I wish to point out. And again, "ONLY" my opinion. I weighed each one of these planes with and without canisters. The weight difference is not even close to 3 pounds. The difference between stock exhaust and the canisters is like about to 1 pound on each of these planes. Now as for performance? They all get better performance and will turn the prop with a higher rpm than with stock exhaust. The reason I point these facts out is simply this. Terry was attempting to make a point and I see it clearly. I ABSOLUTELY am not going to be deterred from bringing my planes to Nall '16 or even coming at all because of a rule. If I bring any of them, I plan to fly them like a respectable and responsible adult and guest of Triple Tree. Staying out of the throttle does not mean I can't fly. It simply means I will do what flying I normally do in a more civilized manner. And if, "IF" I am asked to land and informed I can not fly my plane for "WHATEVER" reason, then so be it. Nall is about friendship, and the hobby and having fun. I am pretty sure I will still have fun meeting, greeting and enjoying the company of fellow flyers. Visiting the vendors, looking at all the amazing aircraft and so forth. There may be some that will not attend due to the rule and that would be sad. Personally I feel if we all show some restraint, courtesy, respect....(which obviously was a problem for a few this year) and honor our host, all will fly....all will have a great time. And all will walk away with an awesome memory to put in the album.


640cc Uber Pimp
Even full throttle towards the ground is not too loud and would not carry through the trees. One that sticks out in my mind was early Thursday AM. I won't even describe the plane but it was a big yak that was flying pretty regularly. They were flying full throttle up high and you could year that prop rip echo. Once they were flying perpendicular from the runway nearly over the tower ripping away.

I think that's the kind of nonsense that helped lead to this conversation but then again I will add........I did not see one thing in my pilots packet other than a map to the grounds, a metal plaque and some BBQ tickets. No posted rules, no notice about noise.

Decal Dennis

A RIP here and there is fine with me. I was at a fly-in once, my neighbor in the pit area was constantly ripping the prop.....every single flight, damn near the whole flight!!!!!, I hate to see anyone's plane crash, but I was soooooooo glad when his plane crashed:cryin:

Not sure how the new "quiet" rule is going to go over, but only time will tell. Not everyone is going to want to spend the extra $$ on cans and 3 blade props just to fly at Nall.............I can see a drop in attendees coming. It's unfortunate in todays society, all have to pay the price for a fews actions!!



70cc twin V2
From the TT website:

Recent AMA articles have dealt with the issue of noise created by some of our models. Noise is certainly in the top two or three issues faced by many clubs around the world. If we, as modelers, wait for our neighbors to complain, you can rest assured the issue is significant.
To prevent ANY possible problems with our current and future neighbors, Triple Tree will require, beginning with Joe Nall 2016 to be “neighbor friendly”. Canister mufflers, three blade props, “soft mounting” of engines, and less than full throttle passes can all be utilized to make our models more environmentally friendly !!!!!and will be a requirement for Joe Nell 2016!!!!!!!
The entire post is HERE
"Will be a requirement" Bummer ! no way I'm going since it would be a requirement for me to alter all of my planes to be compliant . I really wanted to go next year. Oh well they will still have it without me.
Even full throttle towards the ground is not too loud and would not carry through the trees. One that sticks out in my mind was early Thursday AM. I won't even describe the plane but it was a big yak that was flying pretty regularly. They were flying full throttle up high and you could year that prop rip echo. Once they were flying perpendicular from the runway nearly over the tower ripping away.

I think that's the kind of nonsense that helped lead to this conversation but then again I will add........I did not see one thing in my pilots packet other than a map to the grounds, a metal plaque and some BBQ tickets. No posted rules, no notice about noise.

It is kind of the unwritten rule down there. But it was also asked during the pilots meetings, from what I understand each day. TT has always been very proactive about trying to reduce the noise that our airplanes emit.

Damn shame that a couple of yahoo's ruined it all.......


640cc Uber Pimp
The notification is pretty contradictory with "Can be utilized" and "Will be a requirement" in the same sentence. Until that's cleared up, it's to soon to tell what the total results will be.

Just for the heck of it, I weighed a MTW TD75K can: 9.1 ounces The K model is bigger and heaver than the standard TD75
I also weighed a KS 1060 tuned pipe: 10.96 ounces.
And a KS 1060 pipe with header and mount: 17.95 ounces.
I had one stock muffler to weigh: 5.65 ounces

Using these weights, a header and can set up for a 100cc plane would be a little over 32 ounces where two stock mufflers would be 11.3 ounces. A gain of about 20.7 ounces. Your results may vary.


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