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PAU Owners Thread

I haven't seen too much information on the newer Ultimate. Who has one? How does it fly? Can it 3D well? Can it keep up with the monoplanes if you try? I really want to get into the 100 cc class and the slightly shorter fuse and compact wings fit my storage needs better than a 100-120cc Edge/Extra from any of the good manufacturers. That and I love biplanes.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I haven't seen too much information on the newer Ultimate. Who has one? How does it fly? Can it 3D well? Can it keep up with the monoplanes if you try? I really want to get into the 100 cc class and the slightly shorter fuse and compact wings fit my storage needs better than a 100-120cc Edge/Extra from any of the good manufacturers. That and I love biplanes.
Short answer is yes; there are a couple of videos out there, but most eloquent is this one:
Keep in mind that this one is powered by just a DA-85.


640cc Uber Pimp
How does it fly? Can it 3D well?

I remember seeing that flight in person at Nall that Herve posted and just watching in amazement!! Matter of fact I went home and started accumulating parts and ordered an ultimate for myself the following Spring! I did not know what to expect. There are a couple of tips that @Astrohog shared with me that made the wire attachment super easy and made the setup at the field only take a few minutes. On my first flight I was a hair too nose heavy so this is my second flight being just "average joe stick banger". My opinion is that it has amazing wing area, it has amazing side area and a huge rudder. All this makes it solid and extremely agile. Being bipe it does take a little knife edge mixing which actually was not bad for a bipe. Just looked at I had Rudder to aileron 4% both directions and rudder to elevator 3% both directions for hands free knife edge. That's better than most aerobatic single wing planes! Inverted harrier is a blast, I even did one on the deck towards the end of my second flight before I reminded myself it was the second flight!!:mario-banana:



640cc Uber Pimp
OOOOOHHHHHH, new shiny stuff has arrived at my shop!!!! A pair O' Edge 540's (one is @Robbins ) and one for me that will be running the brand new ZDZ112 with machined case and a few updates. I will be doing a full thread on the engine and plane setup as soon as I can.


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70cc twin V2
Awesome! I thought they were out of stock on the 112's.
Good score!
Cant wait to see the build


640cc Uber Pimp
Awesome! I thought they were out of stock on the 112's.
Good score!
Cant wait to see the build

Well, ZDZ USA is just getting ramped up with stock after taking over as the USA distributorship. Some just came in and I think he has more on the way! I could not resist after seeing all the testing that @tbrum did with this engine with every prop, can, muffler and pipe combo available to man. Check out some of his vids on Youtube with the 112 and 180, going to be good: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=trevor+brum+zdz+112


I haven't seen too much information on the newer Ultimate. Who has one? How does it fly? Can it 3D well? Can it keep up with the monoplanes if you try? I really want to get into the 100 cc class and the slightly shorter fuse and compact wings fit my storage needs better than a 100-120cc Edge/Extra from any of the good manufacturers. That and I love biplanes.

I have the old BME version that PAU sold till it was gone. It flies very good, tracks well. Does have some coupling issues but any computer radio can take those out lickety split. 3D is crazy with a Bipe because of the extra wing and the ability to have ailerons do different functions (you have 4 now). Setup at the field takes slightly longer due to a couple extra bolts for the flying wires. Install of the gear was a little tougher due to cramped spaces. I'm flying mine on a 3W106. I did modify mine slightly though. I put lightening holes in the fuse, stabs and rudder and moved my rudder servos to a push/pull in the tail of the fuse.

Now take all of that.........and PAU improved the design/function/hardware of the plane when they came out with the new one. I've flown the new one and it is awesome. If I ever "need" another bipe I would replace with this one!

Here is mine with custom scheme I did and smoke on!