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  1. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    I got time since I'm stripping the PAU Edge when the viper gets here. I'll use those wing bags
  2. sweetpea

    PAU Sukhoi

    I was #1 in line to put 50% down for 100cc version! And that still stands!
  3. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    Dang.....need another wingtote!
  4. sweetpea

    PAU Owners Thread

    Thanks for the update Herve and Terry! Xmas present for me!
  5. sweetpea

    PAU Owners Thread

    Any update on viper shipments?
  6. sweetpea

    What is the max number of channels generally needed for giant scale?

    I prefer the Smart Fly Equalizers over the matchbox. Finer adjustments possible. Additionally the matchbox has its own battery input (Can't remember if the Equalizer does). This is an old holdover from the days of NiCad when more power was necessary on ganged surfaces. Not many folks put...
  7. sweetpea

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    I've done absolutely nothing! My divorce was finalized and it all worked out in my favor....believe it or not. So I get to keep everything I worked hard for, including my daughters. So for now I'm working on gutting my home and decorating the way me and my daughters want to. That is...
  8. sweetpea

    PAU 30% Edge

    That plane is fine for IMAC. I've seen many fly that and the PAU (BME) Yak. I would use it from Basic through Sportsman. Get comfortable with the plane and unknowns. Smaller planes you just fly a touch closer and lower so you can see what it is doing easier (same for judges).
  9. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    I'll be using the stock hardware and all my gear from my 36% Edge (its going to get recovered). I will be using a 3W106 and might try to fly it with my BME100 that is slated for my long term MS FW-190D9 project that is collecting dust
  10. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    I see mine. Bottom row, 3rd from the left!
  11. sweetpea

    Grandpas 51

    Very nice bird
  12. sweetpea

    PAU Owners Thread

    Green Viper............can't wait!
  13. sweetpea

    No WORDS... RIP - Reza Gholamipour

    This is terrible news. My thought are with you and your family. Know your friends will miss you...even if we never met face to face.
  14. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    I'm hoping my budget comes together in time. I'm on the list and want mine. I,ll be taking my edge and swapping all components so I can recover the edge custom.
  15. sweetpea

    That perfect plane...

    I've got to agree. 100cc is the perfect size. Price is similar to a 50cc. Fights through wind better than a 50cc. Very stable, yet you can wring them out. Most 100cc will fit in cars/vans etc without a trailer if needed.
  16. sweetpea

    Why do you love this hobby?

    I was introduced to RC offroad 1/10 electric truck racing back in 97. I had always wanted to fly but never got lessons or anything. I raced electric offroad buggies and trucks for years and then moved to asphalt and carpet electrics. Got rather good, but not outstanding. then in 2000 I...
  17. sweetpea


    Only problem is the added weight. Of the Sullivan alum hub. But a great choice
  18. sweetpea


    Either dubro lite or Sullivan lite. Best wear for the price. White rose if you want Bling and have a need to show off the rims.
  19. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Trust me, I know I'm completely lucky! I went from being penniless and no kids to basically zero change in my financial status and I have my girls. Though being a single parent over the last 3 months hasn't been easy. Now I just need the judge to sign off on everything we agreed to, which...