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  1. sweetpea

    The Spammers are getting out of hand.

    Whatever GSN is doing isn't working. Time to try a new approach
  2. sweetpea

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    As someone who moved numerous times.....always remove gear/props/cowls when moving. On some planes I even remove mufflers.
  3. sweetpea

    Mrs. Ratt presents.... Rattfest 2015

    Thanks....plan is to go right now.
  4. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Maybe this weekend. Next weekend for sure though! I'm going to try to make it to Rattfest on julyv11th as well.
  5. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Today I took down the Edge and took out the switch and batteries to tune that all up. Also brought in my first workbench and put up my peg board and tools above it. I can almost start working full time in the shop!!!!
  6. sweetpea

    Mrs. Ratt presents.... Rattfest 2015

    I'm going to try to make this one. You are only a couple hrs away and now that my shop is built (not finished) I should be able to get at least my PAU Edge going. Do you have RV room?
  7. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Not much more to update. I brought in 2 storage shelves. Been slammed at work and no time/desire to work even more at night
  8. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Well they are hung. No major damage but each plane has minor issues before they can fly. I made lists ad I put them together. Once I get my tables and tools in order I'll start fixing. Though I will get the PAU edge ready this week so I can start flying
  9. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Well the rain stopped and my planes are in the shop. Tomorrow I put them together and hang. Doesn't look like any damage so far from the move
  10. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Rained out.....can't move my planes with torrential down pour. Instead I'm going to install some cleanup / convience items.
  11. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Well 2/3 blue is down. I will have to buy a few more blue tiles as expected. Enough to move the planes in!
  12. sweetpea

    Quiet @NALL 2016 Part 2

    Don't most people just put throttle on a on/off switch....similar to pylon racers? Could of swore that was standard practice with what I see at most fields. I've been doing it wrong all these years
  13. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I got all the checkers down and all the fukk blue tiles down. I also did a few strategic cut blue ones to ensure spacing. I'll finish up over the next couple days!
  14. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    You can see the ramps for the opening. Got another section dine as well. Tomorrow all the checker will be down and I'll just have custom blue cuts to do. I would have gone faster but SleepyC wouldn't let me borrow his knee pads...something about he always uses them...
  15. sweetpea

    Aileron throws

    And you need to see if your rolls are axial both directions. Like they said....you have differential in them now (at least one direction). It may be a good thing or a bad thing. And by a bad thing.......it just means your plane isn't setup as good as it could be. I like to use the...
  16. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    I can wait...........maybe, nope...can't. Herve, hurry up and get to China!
  17. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I'm only doing the border in blue. Maybe later I'll add a blue inside border
  18. sweetpea

    The I'm going out flying thread 2016

    Hover them, but not really fly. Really the problem lies in that all my planes are still in storage. And I did not plan that things would take this long to get setup and my foam planes/accessories for them are not easily accessed without taking out a lot of other items that I would have to...
  19. sweetpea

    150-200cc Extra 300SP

    I agree.........to a point. Some builders claim to be good, but even a great kit like a Carden or Dalton can end up poorly constructed and untrue. But a very well built or decent built kit being compared to your plane means quite a bit! Also, most unlimited pilots would be flying a...