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2015 FBI CornHuck Coverage by "The Law and Terry"


Team WTFO (Watch The Fun Occur)
Alright, it is really late, but here are my favorite pic's from the weekend. I was getting ready to take some lame pics of some lame old dude flying' his lame ole plane doin this lame ole stuff called 3D. I looked up the flight line and saw Noah hucking this foamy with his little brother standing by him at the end of the field. Let's just say I was surprised when I zoomed in and saw what was really going on.

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Five year old griffin was throwin down while big brother Noah spotted for him! both these little dudes can flat out fly. It was an honor to be able to hang out and fly with such an awesome family!

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thats a good flying family. formation would be possible :p


"Cool Guy"
Thanks guys for all the pics, looks like ya'll had an awesome time. There are a few that stand out though, Terry, and the guys walking back carrying a plane with a possum grin, is what it's all about. The other is Wonder Woman hovering over the corn, I swear I got a chubby.:lol2:


New to GSN!
I just wanna say thanks (again) to the FBI Crew for putting on this event every year. When people show up from 9 different states and as far as 1000 miles away it's a testament to the fact that you guys are doing a great job in hosting one of the best events around! It's a can't miss in my book, and I'll always keep coming back as long as I can.

Another big thank you to Terry and The Law, The FBI crew and PAU for donating the Sukhoi for the raffle. I searched through the pictures and I think I was still in shock with that silly S*** eating grin. I had to pull it out of the trailer first thing when we got home last night to make sure it was still real.
Han Solo may not admit it, but I shot first!

rudder touch winner!


640cc Uber Pimp
.........The other is Wonder Woman hovering over the corn, I swear I got a chubby.:lol2:

hmmm, you mean "THE DECATHLON" right????? ;)

Thanks guys for all the pics, looks like ya'll had an awesome time. There are a few that stand out though, Terry, and the guys walking back carrying a plane with a possum grin, is what it's all about.

The thin the pic does not illustrate is that @Naughty Monkey was wiggling the rudder and making engine rapping noises all the way across the runway. Pic looks like we all wet our pants laughing.


Team WTFO (Watch The Fun Occur)
lolol to terry and ND Flyer

If anyone has any photos of the carnage of my extra by my pickup please post. i want to show my co-workers. thanks Lori for taking a few pics of my ultimate. RIP big machine!


"Cool Guy"
hmmm, you mean "THE DECATHLON" right????? ;)

The thin the pic does not illustrate is that @Naughty Monkey was wiggling the rudder and making engine rapping noises all the way across the runway. Pic looks like we all wet our pants laughing.
Yes em Ms. Lori's Decathlon

You could tell you guys were having a blast, and the explanation makes the pic even better.


New to GSN!
lolol to terry and ND Flyer

If anyone has any photos of the carnage of my extra by my pickup please post. i want to show my co-workers. thanks Lori for taking a few pics of my ultimate. RIP big machine!

I still have whats left of the fuse you gave to Quay in my trailer, if he can't post any pics of it I'll take a shot of it at lunch and get it posted. My condolences again Robbins, you had a rough weekend.


Team WTFO (Watch The Fun Occur)
ahh, we must remember, it was good learning experience and now i get to shop for replacements!:fist_pump:

...pending fund acquisition of course

Here's a few pics I snapped
One is a great huckfest puppy,
The other dawg is a real nice dude that has my next engine,
And finally a couple pics of the planes I brought to fly and did not bring back to fly ever again. I'm glad I got a nice picture of my extra resting on the ground with the beauty of her final sunrise upon her turtledeck.
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