Well, when scratch building something of your own design (well mostly your own design) you have to be ready to cut something apart. The cabanes gave me one heck of a fit and taught me something in the process, while it is somehow possible to solder 4130 Chromoly, I certainly don't know how to do it!
So that left brazing the mount tabs on to the cabanes, which is to hot to do while they are in the fuselage so cutting them out I did.
While I had the out I decided to re-make the cabane brace "V". Now it is an X. Made the cabanes a little bit stronger and also gave them the proper angle going into the fues.
The cabanes re-worked and remounted, also changed up the mounting a little bit by sandwiching the cabane U between sheets of lite-ply.
Made new F2 and F3 bulkheads, and put the stingers back on.
Nose sheeting finished, not only are the cabanes stronger you can now see that the apex of the cabane brace going into the fuse is wider and looks more like Grampa's.
I think it's about time to get started on the wings
Chatting with dad while I keep comparing mine to Grampa's lol
Had to move one of the stingers in F4, left a good sized gap but there will be a mahogany instrument panel that covers it up