Well here she is

For size comparison here it is next to the 3DHS 51"
Maiden and the following few flights went extremely well. Take off was a typical maiden, a little exciting at first but with a few clicks of elevator trim and aileron trim all was well. I had the battery a little bit to far forward so the CG was a bit off, however it still flew excellent.
@SupaTim was right this plane does not fly like a 60" at all. It feels like a much larger aircraft, extremely forgiving and it floats. Low speed handling was predictable and I did not get any wing rock or tip stall while landing. A quick check of the plane and a fresh battery and all set to go again.
Second flight was a ton of fun. The motor/ESC combo provides amazing power with the 16x7 propeller. This plane will take off into orbit if you want it to with ease. knife edge was a dream, only minimal rudder input was needed. Waterfalls were easy, the tail just snaps right over. Elevators and parachutes were awesome, I couldn't help but laugh when it went from nose down vertical to horizontal in a split second with almost zero wing rock, then slowly elevator down with almost no forward movement, it was like flying a kite. Blenders were quick and flat spins were quick. Knife Edge spins were equally impressive. I had difficulty with the pop top (still learning this maneuver) however turning the TX over to
@Bipenut53 relieved that it was me an not the plane (which I knew) fist attempt out of the gate beautiful pop top, the plane snapped up and around then just hung there beautiful in the crisp morning light (okay that is about as poetic as I get).
I am amazed with this plane. It has done everything I can throw at it and so far has held up. I am not gentle on my planes at all and have ripped off tail feathers, control surfaces, battery trays..... The Slick looks like it will take a beating. I can see this will be my go to electric plane. I also heard a rumor that they are making a larger 74 ish size here soon that will be gas or electric.... HMMMM another build to come...