Model Aviation Memories by Mimi
New to GSN!

Let's just start by saying YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS FIELD!! Room for EVERYONE!! Heli's on the end and 3D Pilots along the side ... Wide Open Spaces!! Yes ... It's in Texas!!! If you missed this event because of the weather threat you missed out on a great time!!! We did have a cooling rain move through Saturday morning but that only allowed the "Night Flyers" from Friday to get some rest! So many pilots put on a great show! Doug Nelle and Company were fantastic hosts. Everyone brought their "A" game and had a great time. We even had the pleasure of having Jenni Orebaugh from Model Aviation Magazine visiting the event. There were a number of vendors including Greg Alderman with Pulse Batteries to keep us "Charged Up"!
One of my favorite "Photo Ops" came Saturday evening when Shawn Braunagel and Johnathan Jennings did some "Night Flying" for us that was Amazing! They brought the crowd to their feet .... as usual!!
Put this Event on your calendar for next year and Don't Forget!!!
For MORE PHOTOS of this Fantastic Event Please go to Model Aviation Memories by Mimi on Facebook. "Like" my page and I'll keep posting photos!! If you see a photo of Yourself then right click and Save! Also ... please Tag yourself!