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Basic engine tuning.


70cc twin V2
I think this covers it.


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I'd guess a funky carb or gunk in the carb. Normally even at 1.5 and 1.5 starting on the needles they run way better than that!!!!! If the carb does not do it, it's a long shot but a crappy igntion could also cause some sporadic things but your description of the H needle sounds like carb issue to me. If it persists after the cleaning, I'd call up VVRC and maybe swap the carb.

Thanks Terry, went through the carb didn't find anything glaring but you never know. I haven't got a chance to run it yet again but we'll see what happens. I figured it has to be something with the carb, just wanted some reassurance I guess lol ;)



Just my 02. Did you check your throttle servo and linkage? A buddy of mine started messing with the needles on a 55 ra cuz "some" of the symptoms you describe were present. What made the light go on was when he said "when I land it seems to improve" but it does not operate like it did before. I told him to change the servo and check linkage. He did change servo and is now a happy camper.

Linkages are fine, that was the first thing I checked as I've been through that same scenario with another club member. It's got to be the carb, but just haven't fingered the culprit yet! :)


70cc twin V2
my dle 120 low needle is at 58 it is unusually low but it runs the best there I think that you are extremely rich on the low end which will stumble and fall off when you punch the throttle like it is lean although it is just too rich.


Damn I'm hungry
Actually lots of good info here but I think this thread should have been closed after Terry made the first post. His tuning guide somewhat assumes that the engine is going to start and run correctly. If there are other issues that prevent this then then you won't even get the chance to follow his tuning guide.

I'd like to see a thread start/develop that provides a "logical" process to trouble shoot an engine that has issues. A new engine, recently repaired, first start after sitting in a box for an extended period, etc. can all have issues not related to being tuned correctly. I know it is a process of elimination but where is a good starting place and what is the step-by-step flow?

Why not start the thread and have it so others can contribute? You have a good mind. You have rebuilt these engines. Seen your work. Excellent. And truthfully....I think a few would be upset thinking that they needed a crutch to figure out a toy motor. I just don't think the interest is there as a whole. And I have learned personally that I am going to be very discrete from here on out. I used to live on an engine forum but have found so much better things to share elsewhere. For some reason ENGINES start more crap than ENGINES getting started. Sort of like the FOG at the field. More opinions flying around than planes flying. Because their Engines wont start :laughing:.


70cc twin V2
My take on it is troubleshooting guides are rarely worth using. For example look in one that comes with a DVD/blu ray player, way too basic and rarely will it solve an issue. I like the fact the we can either come here for engine advice or better yet (don't want to start a brand war) but for some engines you can call the manufacturer and talk to a real person that speaks English and they'll walk you through whatever troubles you're having.

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