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IMAC Dalton 300 ml build thread.

i want to add one more thing. I will just throw it out there. I am not any good at building model airplanes. Maybe about 6 in my lifetime that were kits that i have put together. I have put together over 15 ARF's and done some repair jobs on them, but, my point being, i am not a pro at building airplanes, however, this airplane flies as good as any of the ARF's i have (3DHS or EF), and i still have some more trimming to do. SO,,, what i am trying to say is, if anyone ever was considering building from a kit, this would be the way to go for a beginner.
Congrats Ortho! Sounds like your months of hard work are really paying off.

One thought when reading your trimming/flight characteristics. Added 5 clicks up for level flight. Would that be impacting the downline tendency to pull out?

BJ Swope
i am wondering if i should go with a 1.5 liter tank, that would make it less nose heavy. or, if i should fix the thrust?

Is it thrust or incidence that requires the up elev?

Doesn't the IMAC trimming bible, I cannot recall the author, provide tests to indicate which?

BJ Swope


70cc twin V2
Congrats Cam.............looks beautiful and the initial flight reports seems that it will be a great performing plane for you.

Keep the reports coming as you tweak the trim over the next few weeks.