witchfinger that is incorrect it address registration of sUAS or small umanned aircraft system. remember we are dealing with govt lawyers writing regulations, they have decided that we do not and cannot register these sUAS under faa reg part 47 which is full sized aircraft certification and registration. and they are writing a new reg, part48, for all sUAS as defined in public law 112-95 sec 336 capable of sustained flight in the atmosphere. I don't like this anymore than anyone else but 30 plus yrs dealing with faa I have learned to read and understand faa regs. The real kicker in this whole process is not registration for that is painless, sign up, not individual sUAs registration. It is the enforcement process as the faa does not have the man power to completely do general aviation oversight, mainly commercial, ie airlines, aircharter repair stations, endeavor's. Also keep in mind that the faa can only violate a faa held certificate, ie pilot's lisc, mechanic certificate etc. everything else has to be done thru civilian processes