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FAA Announces their rules for radio controlled aircraft

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Damn I'm hungry
Ok.....I had a bad night's sleep but enough to calm my blood pressure down and again be rational. Bottom line... the clubs we belong to will enforce regulation or tell you to hit the road. Many others have said this and it is pretty much a no brainer. You can choose to go to that private place and fly that has no AMA or FAA involvement but "IF" caught with no AMA or FAA numbers I would hate to think I would be getting a free ride to the "Holiday Inn". Lets all do the Math and add up the BS......

1.AMA dues.....75$
2.FAA reg.....1.67$ (annual)
3.Club dues...60$ (my club) will be more or less for others.

For the privilege to fly our toy planes is not that much. For me it comes to 11.39$ a month for the privilege.

I whole heartedly agree that this smells like a basket of rotting carp but we are who we are now and our country is never going to be what it was "back in the day".:(


New to GSN!
I think it said after Dec 26 it will be illegal to fly. And all 180k+ of known pilots from the AMA will have 6 days including Christmas to register? Or fly illegally thereafter...lol....gonna be a lot of LAC's not so LAC's it would appear.

@Bartman, I agree with the AMA being ineffective and if I thought it would help one iota would offer up a boycott of them.
you have till feb 19
So just to be clear, do you consider the millions of people outside AMA, flying by the airport, over your house, etc. etc. who are going to grow exponentially over the coming year(s)......."part of the hobby"??? Then I guess yes we have a difference and we are hurt because they put us ALL in this mess.

If you consider the people that are in the AMA, fly responsibly and don't act like dushnozzles "part of the hobby" then we're on the same side because I'm pretty sure most of us could care less about them being "part of the hobby".

If they have a remote in their hand and they are flying something, yeah part of the hobby. Their level of doucheness is a separate subject and what they fly has nothing to do with it. For every horror story there's likely tens of thousands that aren't notable in any way.

Besides, people as a whole are stupid. Doesn't matter what medium they display that stupidity with and no amount of regulation or internet bitching will change that. Literally anything you can do, someone has done it to F it up for the rest of us.
Ok.....I had a bad night's sleep but enough to calm my blood pressure down and again be rational. Bottom line... the clubs we belong to will enforce regulation or tell you to hit the road. Many others have said this and it is pretty much a no brainer. You can choose to go to that private place and fly that has no AMA or FAA involvement but "IF" caught with no AMA or FAA numbers I would hate to think I would be getting a free ride to the "Holiday Inn". Lets all do the Math and add up the BS......

1.AMA dues.....75$
2.FAA reg.....1.67$ (annual)
3.Club dues...60$ (my club) will be more or less for others.

For the privilege to fly our toy planes is not that much. For me it comes to 11.39$ a month for the privilege.

I whole heartedly agree that this smells like a basket of rotting carp but we are who we are now and our country is never going to be what it was "back in the day".:(

Times have changed and really it has a lot to do with the progression of technology. If 3 axis stabilization and the ability to control multiple motors with enough stability to fly around never occurred, we probably wouldn't be in this situation.

It's unfortunate but I am with you and let's move forward and not dwell too much in the past. We can do this by not fighting the establishment and simply complying and answer any questions from the authority with honesty and respect.

I feel doing this will help direct any further regulations with very little effect on us and keep it aimed at the pilots causing problems.

J. Robert Oppenheimer and General Leslie Groves were political opposites but worked together gaining each others mutual respect and did something that no other country could match in a similar timeline.


640cc Uber Pimp
That's all fine and dandy until the machine runs you over. Opposition creates a balance of which both sides can agree to. My opposition is merely the fact that they don't have the authority yet and if we just simply conform without complaint the rules will run us out of the air. It's like giving that neighbor of the field that always complains all the authority of what we do, of which he would stop us.
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