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Scale MattyMatt's Exclusiv Modellbau 50% Challenger II


"You gonna take it back up so I can get some pictures this time?" :lol2:

She sure looks and sounds great Matt. Has a bit of KE coupling eh! ;)


New to GSN!
Matt, how do you like your Pitts with the Vallach so far? I have a similar plane and setup (Carf Pitts with a Valach 210) and after spending a lot of time and $$$ on finding the right prop, I enjoy it very much. My Pitts weighs "only" 49 lbs, but was lacking power on uplines and speed on straight lines. I tried the recommended Fiala 36x14 (the worst), a JC 34x16 (better) and Biela 32x18 (good).



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70cc twin V2
Matt, how do you like your Pitts with the Vallach so far? I have a similar plane and setup (Carf Pitts with a Valach 210) and after spending a lot of time and $$$ on finding the right prop, I enjoy it very much. My Pitts weighs "only" 49 lbs, but was lacking power on uplines and speed on straight lines. I tried the recommended Fiala 36x14 (the worst), a JC 34x16 (better) and Biela 32x18 (good).


It's getting significantly better each flight. I turned in the top end close to a 1/4 turn after that flight.

Two things I would highly recommend:

1. Get the Y pipe and make the primaries the correct length. It will make 2-300+ rpm over stock exhaust.
2. If you aren't running a fuel pump, get one.

I was turning 46-4750 rpm with the Fiala 36-14. I will get a 34-16 to try as well for more speed, although I'm pretty happy with the power that's coming on now. It was also 92-95 degrees when I flew.

I'll finish breaking in, get the plane setup... Then play with props.