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PAU Owners Thread


70cc twin V2
Maiden completed today on the 60cc edge, got about 4 flights in on it. I am going to have to pull it down and put more right thrust into it I guess. It pulls to the left in an upline harder than any plane that I have ever flown. I think I'll have to move more weight to the front also as center of the tube seems to be a little tail heavy. Other than those two things, it flew great.


70cc twin V2
Maiden completed today on the 60cc edge, got about 4 flights in on it. I am going to have to pull it down and put more right thrust into it I guess. It pulls to the left in an upline harder than any plane that I have ever flown. I think I'll have to move more weight to the front also as center of the tube seems to be a little tail heavy. Other than those two things, it flew great.

Looks great.
Both of mine pull hard left on up lines also.
I mixed in rudder to throttle, but it took a lot to make it fly straight.
I added weight to the right wing tip and this helped a lot.
Wings still stay level pulling from a dive, even with the weight on the right wing tip.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Hard to tell: based on the phone calls and email, it might sell out quickly in December. I am ordering more, but the factory goes on a month long holiday in January, and this delays everything.
Any idea of when they will be in? 100cc 330SP slated upon arrival.