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PAU Sukhoi


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I have always loved the lines of this Sukhoi! @Islandflyer any chance of a 100cc version someday?
There was a thread about this a few years ago, with many asking the same question.
It takes selling at least 15 planes just to cover the development / prototyping cost.
I made the suggestion at the time to get 10 people to put 20% down payments to make it happen: the thread immediately died....
There was a thread about this a few years ago, with many asking the same question.
It takes selling at least 15 planes just to cover the development / prototyping cost.
I made the suggestion at the time to get 10 people to put 20% down payments to make it happen: the thread immediately died....
I wish there would be more kits available to build, ARF's are okay but just can't compare to home built with all the time necessary to make them really well built. I would love to build a Sukhoi, any chance of getting a PAU Sukhoi kit?
Does anybody know what
1. the gold 'wings' above the Hartzell graphic represents?
2. the green globe below the side window is?
3. the gold circle to the left of the Hartell graphic is?
4. the writing and symbol in the white area below and to the right of the side window? I see some number of gold medals and some number of silver medals but the rest is unclear.

I have some extra graphics prizes for each and everyone who can help with these four questions.

I have bought a picture set of N26MX but it they were not taken when the Sukhoi looked like this. I have researched 1990-1994 US Aerobatic teams and news to no avail. I have searched Rick Massegee, Team Sukhoi too.

All the other graphics are either on my plane or on order plus 2 big red 5-pointed stars with white/red/white borders for the bottom of the wings. I am still debating whether I should paint my canopy frame white, I keep leaning towards doing it just so it looks different than the other PAU Sukhoi's. I have also made two of the attitude guides ?? for the wing tips, rudder, elevator and wing trim tabs and a pitot tube but debating how much I want to scale out my Sukhoi. My next picture will be the finished plane. Thanks, in advance for any help with the graphic questions.

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Does anybody know what
1. the gold 'wings' above the Hartzell graphic represents?
2. the green globe below the side window is?
3. the gold circle to the left of the Hartell graphic is?
4. the writing and symbol in the white area below and to the right of the side window? I see some number of gold medals and some number of silver medals but the rest is unclear.

I have some extra graphics prizes for each and everyone who can help with these four questions.

I have bought a picture set of N26MX but it they were not taken when the Sukhoi looked like this. I have researched 1990-1994 US Aerobatic teams and news to no avail. I have searched Rick Massegee, Team Sukhoi too.

All the other graphics are either on my plane or on order plus 2 big red 5-pointed stars with white/red/white borders for the bottom of the wings. I am still debating whether I should paint my canopy frame white, I keep leaning towards doing it just so it looks different than the other PAU Sukhoi's. I have also made two of the attitude guides ?? for the wing tips, rudder, elevator and wing trim tabs and a pitot tube but debating how much I want to scale out my Sukhoi. My next picture will be the finished plane. Thanks, in advance for any help with the graphic questions.

View attachment 45573
Well I know the gold wings are AOPA...


By the way the SU-26 is one of my very favorite airplanes... I got to see the Russian lady fly one at Oshkosh and was just amazed... I know her name and everyone does but I don't want to butcher it... She flew that airplane right on the edge and this was mid 90's
By the way the SU-26 is one of my very favorite airplanes... I got to see the Russian lady fly one at Oshkosh and was just amazed... I know her name and everyone does but I don't want to butcher it... She flew that airplane right on the edge and this was mid 90's

This is my third Sukhoi, I like the look too. I also really like the Ultimate biplane. Any idea if somebody makes a giant scale Sukoi kit?

Did you and WMcNabb get my conversation asking fo your mailing address?

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey Bill,

I know all about being busy. I can count the times I've flown this year on my two hands. . . . . . :frown:

I'm probably wrong, but I believe one of the only Sukhoi 50cc size kit is (was) the old Byron kit. I had one with a 3W60 in it and it was heavy by today's standards but it flew great. If you're looking for a different bi-plane kit, check with Larry @ Precision Cut Kits. I remember him having a 1/4 scale Skybolt kit in his catalog among others. IF you want something a little different, AMR in Canada sells a 1/4 scale and a 1/3 scale Waco that is absolutely AWESOME. JTEC (the muffler people) sell a 50cc Pitts M12 kit, but dealing with the cowl can be troublesome. You can PM me and I'll explain my last statement.

That's all I can think of right off the top of my head.
