I don't think ama could look any worse than they do now, screw FAA's eyes. I really don't think calling, writing the FAA will have any effect on this outcome. Registration is here, and the only options you have are to register, or not, or is there another option? Why yes there is, and it's on a local level, my club took option 3 to separate ourselves from the FPV, Quad,MR crowd, we banned them, No FPV, NO Quads, NO MR's. This ban passed unanimously, even though there was a few of us flying them, including myself. We saw the bigger picture, we didn't have a crystal ball, "BUT" we saw ama abandoning us, stabbing us in the back, and going after the drone $$$, and not protecting model aviation. I suggest all other ama chartered clubs be proactive, and do the same. ama is now acting like they are shocked at this outcome of registration. I call "BULL

" in fact the whole time ama has been chasing the drone $$$, and saying "SCREW" traditional model aviation. I've emailed ama many times, jumped threw the ropes, contacting my congress man, the whole nine yards, and I'm done. I'm going to register with the FAA, and go fly. I have been contacting ama, asking if the FAA registration will be required to fly at ama chartered clubs, but they have no answer. I see from reading that most chartered clubs, are making it mandatory, and rightfully so, even though ama hasn't come out and said it's mandatory, I bet they run like hell if someone filed a claim, and they find out we let an unregistered model aircraft fly. I can see it now "CLAIM DENIED"