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Scale Pitts S1-T, S1-S, and a Challenger.


640cc Uber Pimp
Thanks brother.
Got all the hole's cut out this evening and ready for the poly brush step. Have to strip the cowl and pants of the old paint first though.
Normally I would be saying what is up next and so on but with the way the past 1-1/2 to 2 years has been I'll just post what I get when I get it.
Went in for a second redo on the face last week, lost a bunch of teeth this time around. This cyst s-hit has been a long and miserable, um, adventure?

Which you all best


640cc Uber Pimp
Thanks guys, but it's not behind me, part of it blew out today. Ugh.....
I have no doubt eventually it will be taken care of.
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640cc Uber Pimp
Does anyone have a set of GP123 mufflers? I only need them for 30 minutes.
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640cc Uber Pimp
Cowl and pants, stripped, primed, sanded, and ready for a final light color prime.


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