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RC Airplane Memes


As I said there were causalities


I like 'em "BIG"!
Oh my lord...that is just nuts. LOL....like it. Can't imagine what it would have been like. Dodgin' and dartin' 'round this plane....ooops, look out there's another one....UGH! What about the one in front of you??? Tooooooo MUCH FUN.


That was a lot of fun and I am actually still flying the plane that I flew in this just as a night flyer now.


Thank God for 2.4 GHz... 74 planes with no radio interference. WOW  Better not take yer eye off your plane even for millisecond.

Now can you imagine that many battle axes in the air trying to hit each other. It'd  be like a demolition derby airborne and the last plane flying is the winner.


Mikeq said
Thank God for 2.4 GHz... 74 planes with no radio interference. WOW  Better not take yer eye off your plane even for millisecond.

Now can you imagine that many battle axes in the air trying to hit each other. It'd  be like a demolition derby airborne and the last plane flying is the winner.
The younger flyers are scratching their head at this I am sure but us older flyers cringe at frequency clashes.  


I like 'em "BIG"!
Ohio AV8TOR said
Mikeq said
Thank God for 2.4 GHz... 74 planes with no radio interference. WOW  Better not take yer eye off your plane even for millisecond.

Now can you imagine that many battle axes in the air trying to hit each other. It'd  be like a demolition derby airborne and the last plane flying is the winner.

The younger flyers are scratching their head at this I am sure but us older flyers cringe at frequency clashes.  
Oh good lord, ain't that the truth brother...??? Yikes, frequency paddle? What is that?? Hee hee.... I remember the days of old of setting my planes up with two different makers on two different channels. Futaba and Airtronics. It made it much easier when you knew your buddies were going to be at the field and they just happen to be on or near your regular freq. channel. Enter the standby system. Sure glad those days are gone...