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Reza has been here for a week and he's already giving stuff away! RED LINE OIL!


Staff member
Thanks REZA! Sorry I was kind of AWOL the last few days. I got back from Toledo and had to work a few days.
SO... not sure how this is going to work as the money is going to be tight (nonexistent) but I quit my 3rd job so I can focus on GSN and my media business full time. gonna be rough, but you guys will see me around a bit more. OR... I'll be living in my car ion a few weeks, with LOTS more time to spend on GSN! :D
If things get to rough, apply for Beer Stamps! I'll hook you up.;)

Red Raider

70cc twin V2
Hope it works out better than that! Sleeping in your car is no fun unless your at a giant scale event sponsored by the Swedish Bikini Team. I wouldn't know about that first hand, just trying to be encouraging.



After 7 days of absolutely exhaustive days and nights, i just got around to package everything up.

You should be receiving your oil this next week as I chose priority mail.

Let me know when you receive it please.



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Mustang Man

New to GSN!
The plane in your avatar is very cool too Mustang Man.
Thanks. It took me a year to build the 1931 Wedell Williams Racer from a AMR stick kit. It is covered with Stits Lite covering & painted with Stits paint to match Jimmy Wedell's racer. Powered by a Moki 250 cc engine. You can see Miss Patterson fly at my YouTube channel "Sosulriv".


70cc twin V2
Okay, for fun I decided to pull a cylinder off of one of my DA120's. This one has been run exclusively on Stihl HP and has in the ball park of 150-170 flights over the course of about a year and a half. The engine was on my slick which I took out of commission back in October of last year. I ended up selling the airframe a few days ago to make room for a new one :). Any how, I have another DA120 that was recently returned from DA with 2 new pistons and cylinders in my PAU edge and has been flown exclusively on Redline since its return. It has roughly 35 flights since returning from DA. When I get 150 or so more flights on it, I will pull one of the jugs off for comparison to the pics below. I also plan to keep track of this engine on its new airframe and pull the same jug off in 100 or so flights to see if the redline cleans up any of the carbon deposits on top of the cylinder and piston. The cylinder below is the rear cylinder/piston. I also put a pic of my plugs on there for sh!ts and giggles. The desert tan plug is the rear one and the chocolate brown one is the front.


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