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SegevDesign ARTiculate freestyle biplane - design by Ido "DoDo" Segev

It certainly is a nice looking plane for sure. Great to hear all the modern composites used for the plane. Can you snap a pic of the inside with the canopy off along with all the internals showing the inside of the fuse? I would love to see that.

There you go


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comes with various motor mounts to suit electrics or gas


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70cc twin V2
I truly would like to own one if only because it's different and a biplane, but I fail to see were the cost would make it $250-300 more than something similar in that engine class would cost, except having to build 2 wings instead of one. Yes it has a fiberglass canopy/turtledeck and cowl. But I do not see whee all this carbon fiber and composite stuff is at in the pictures from his website unless it's hidden in these pictures. I also agree that one has the right to place any price tag they want on their plane design, but I'm just trying to say that I do not believe I would pay that much for it and if they care to sell many of them that it is a too steep of a price for even the most average 3d/aerobatic plane owner. And I'll up my limit to $600.

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70cc twin V2
I just now saw the pictures of it beside the 104 Extra it does seem like a pretty good size plane. What is the overall length of it?