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Show Me the Biplanes!!!!



Matt....do you know who owns it? And will it be flown on the airshow circuit?????

The owner is Jim Krisovitch he is a really nice guy! We talked to Kevin and jim quite a bit and according to Mr. Kimball himself this airplane surpasses the beast in every aspect. More power and lighter! Better than 1:1 thrust to weight! It will be slowly making its way to airshows.

On another note, they came up with a neat sticker due to his name being Jim and the airplane being the proton so they made jimmy proton. Well they ended up stuck on everything! Earle I thought you would like this one I found!

You have to open the picture to see the proton sticker


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FYI, if you have never got to meet Kevin kimball or his son they are great people! I want to apologize to him.. We must have talked to him for about 4 hours... Such a wealth of knowledge and how he is getting by with no spades is amazing. American champion is even using his brain for the no spades on the extreme decathlon! Less drag and still minimal stick forces