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That would be in his settings somewhere as I'm pretty sure I remember the feature being there to turn off conversations.


Slow progress...control horns installed on both wings; servos ready to install; just got really nice servo arms from Northwest RC.
Also note that the ball links provided with the kit contain two types: one suitable for the control horn, one suitable for the servo arm.
Nice touch Skywing 20200228_183005.jpg 20200228_184325.jpg .


Nice video Suds! That plane looks really light in the air. Which electric motor are you using for power? And what is your battery setup?
And where did you get that nice weather from?! :) Send some of it over here.


Nice video Suds! That plane looks really light in the air. Which electric motor are you using for power? And what is your battery setup?
And where did you get that nice weather from?! :) Send some of it over here.
I'm using a Dualsky GA6000.8 on 12S-6000mah. Prop on the maiden was a 24x12 electric wood which has subsequently been updated to a 24x13 Falcon electric carbon. Fully loaded, I'm somewhere between 20.5#-20.75#. Got lucky with a warm weekend in the middle of winter then. Got out yesterday as well with temps in the upper 40's(f). My new pilot figure stayed secure in the cockpit.


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