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Starting DA-150

Pretty much the same starting procedure as your 20-55cc engines. The only real difference is two cylinders and way bigger prop.

I agree I never flip a prop with ignition on above a fast idle I have a routine that works with my da 150 mvvs 116 gp 123 os 55 gp 61 mvvs 58

find a way that gives you a consistent result.. a well tuned engine needs to warm up a little to accept a quick throttle advance be sure to take the time to tune it
set on ground fly it and adjust from there as tune will change in the air


70cc twin V2
Thanks guys for the safety reminders !! We can never be reminded of safety enough, especially for me, being my first time with a bigger prop .
I'm going to soak that reed in gas today & try to start it again if it quits raining. If that doesn't work, with the bran new carb & all, I'll have to send it in to DA I guess.


"Cool Guy"
Wet the pump side of the carb, the one with the single screw holding it on, once wet she should pull fuel, if all else fails, squirt some fuel down the mufflers, with igni. off, turn prop threw compression a few times, igni. on flip, vroom vroom.


70cc twin V2
Wet the pump side of the carb, the one with the single screw holding it on, once wet she should pull fuel, if all else fails, squirt some fuel down the mufflers, with igni. off, turn prop threw compression a few times, igni. on flip, vroom vroom.

Sounds good & I will try that also !! Once we tried putting gas in the cylinders through the plug hole, turned prop a little & out went all the gas !!
Thanks ChickenBalls !!

Oh, what's this mean, I can't figure that out ? !!
"Wet the pump side of the carb, the one with the single screw holding it on,"

Ooops, I know now what you mean !!
Thanks again !!
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"Cool Guy"
Sounds good & I will try that also !! Once we tried putting gas in the cylinders through the plug hole, turned prop a little & out went all the gas !!
Thanks ChickenBalls !!

Oh, what's this mean, I can't figure that out ? !!
"Wet the pump side of the carb, the one with the single screw holding it on,"
Looking at the 150 its on the bk side, the screw will look like this, just loosen it an squirt some gas in there to get it wet.


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70cc twin V2
I just got done trying to start it again, but it won't even pop. I wet the carb inside the plate & soaked the reeds in gas for a while, put gas down the mufflers. She just won't do anything. Looking at the spark again, it looks awful weak to me. Now I'l probably have to wait a month for it to warm up again. I had to bring the eng. & batteries in the cause it's going to get cold & winter like again, so we'll see what I can do when the weather warms up again.
Big thanks again for everyone's help !!