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Stihl HP Ultra Giveaway Contest! Reza made me do it.


70cc twin V2
I use Stihl non synthetic. Have for many many years. Never any problems. Its the best bang for the buck. No need to change.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Reza has inspired me to have my own giveaway contest. After watching Reza's Red Line videos and reading all the post in his Red Line thread, I know I will never use Stihl HP Ultra ever again. From here on out its Red Line all the way for me!

Here's my dilemma. What am I to do with my stash of Stihl HP Ultra? Wait, I know! I'll give it all away!

So, who wants this old goats milk? Anybody?

First person to correctly guess how many bottles I have left in my stash wins the whole lot! I'll cover shipping to your door.

Only two rules in this contest.

First and foremost, only 1 guess each!

Second, USA only because cost of international shipping would be higher than the value of the oil.

Post your best guess below.

Thanks and good luck!
View attachment 16321
Another one resurrected from the Dark Side!!!