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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
Guys, is there anyway to get a few more of these threads onto the one page.

I'm transitioning across from RCG (had enough of getting warnings and points awarded against me) and I am finding the multiple categories and sub forums, although very neat, tends to make this forum feel a little asleep.

Unless you are actually in an active sub menu you can't see a lot of the new posts in each sub forum happen and I spend a fair bit of time wadding through menus seeing what is active and what is not.

I wonder if there is a way to get say, this thread and some others and all the airframe threads into the one section?

I am not sure what you mean exactly but there is a "What's New?" tab up at the top you can use to view all new posts in all the categories. You can also subscribe and view all new postings that you have subscribed to in the "My 3DRCF" tab at the top.


Guys, is there anyway to get a few more of these threads onto the one page.

I'm transitioning across from RCG (had enough of getting warnings and points awarded against me) and I am finding the multiple categories and sub forums, although very neat, tends to make this forum feel a little asleep.

Unless you are actually in an active sub menu you can't see a lot of the new posts in each sub forum happen and I spend a fair bit of time wadding through menus seeing what is active and what is not.

I wonder if there is a way to get say, this thread and some others and all the airframe threads into the one section?

I like looking through the "what's new" section at the top. It shows all recent post!

And being that the whole site is about 3D you can find a lot of stuff that way.

I actually go through the what's new more than my subb'd threads


70cc twin V2
Guys, is there anyway to get a few more of these threads onto the one page.

I'm transitioning across from RCG (had enough of getting warnings and points awarded against me) and I am finding the multiple categories and sub forums, although very neat, tends to make this forum feel a little asleep.

Unless you are actually in an active sub menu you can't see a lot of the new posts in each sub forum happen and I spend a fair bit of time wadding through menus seeing what is active and what is not.

I wonder if there is a way to get say, this thread and some others and all the airframe threads into the one section?

You can subscribe to the threads you like, and then click my3drc at the top left. It will show you the new post in the threads you belong to. Is that what you mean?


70cc twin V2
Thanks guys. I never really understood what all this subscribiing to threads thing was about.

Over on the other place, I just hung out in the 3d flying thread and everything was in there and every new post brought each thread to the top of the page.

I'll take a look at your suggestions,


70cc twin V2
Thanks guys. I never really understood what all this subscribiing to threads thing was about.

Over on the other place, I just hung out in the 3d flying thread and everything was in there and every new post brought each thread to the top of the page.

I'll take a look at your suggestions,

This way you can see the new posts in the threads you are most intrested in:D It saves you some time:D


70cc twin V2
Thanks guys. I never really understood what all this subscribiing to threads thing was about.

Over on the other place, I just hung out in the 3d flying thread and everything was in there and every new post brought each thread to the top of the page.

I'll take a look at your suggestions,
New posts do the same here I believe, but I do the same I mostly look at the "What's New?" tab, considering this WHOLE website is devoted to 3D flying and everything that goes along with it :cool:


70cc twin V2
I had a cop stop and watch me, never told me to leave though.

I had an R/C jet as my first plane. A cop drove past nearly the second that it smashed into a fence... LOL! Fail...

Other than that I just get random people that like to check out what that thing in the sky is doing... :flyer:




70cc twin V2
I had an R/C jet as my first plane. A cop drove past nearly the second that it smashed into a fence... LOL! Fail...

Other than that I just get random people that like to check out what that thing in the sky is doing... :flyer:


I try not to fly at the local park because I get the people that come up to me and start talking to me and asking me questions while I am flying and then once I land they talk to me more, and I only get one or two flights in because they won't leave me alone, but it's ok. They are learning about the hobby and that's what matters the most :)