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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
Look guys, I'll shed some light on this, and state some facts, and hopefully put this issue to bed for good.

-Anthony heard some rumors about me. Go figure... I'm sure there is a long list of them out there.
-He felt like what he'd heard was so eggregious, and the source was so noble, that he wanted to instantly leave the team, and sent me his resignation without speaking to me.
-I called him and explained what he heard wasn't true, and reminded him that he signed a contract for the 2013 Calendar year. I explained that we had an agreement, and he needed to sleep on this.
-He posted publicly on the site that he was quitting a few hours later.
-The next day when I saw that he'd quit, I requested he reiumburse us for our expenses related to sponsoring him, since he failed to fulfill his sponsorship in my eyes. This was a mistake, and I regret it. I should have just wished him well.
-We spoke on the phone a few times in the last few days, and Anthony has expressed some regret to me about how he handled things, and that he'd have done it much differently in retrospect.
-Even a few moments ago, Anthony has expressed regret to me for how he handled this, and that he was to quick to react and make decisions.

I hold no ill will towards Anthony, and none of you should either. He's still a young man, learning the ropes in a very competitive, and very publicly open hobby and business.

Lets let the past become the past. We at 3DRCF still wish Anthony a bright and prosperous RC career. Can we close this issue please?

Thanks Gary, and everyone who stood up and defended me. People make mistakes and (mostly all) of us are human. So, sorry to anyone I may have offended. Now that the drama is over, you guys can go back to your lives. Thanks.
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GSN Contributor
Ok... so I head out from my office on my lunch break, and walk out to my car with a big smile... theres a 71 slick in the back :)
I drive the 10 minutes over to the field, and step out. It's a little windy, maybe 13-15mph, not too bad. I'm ready. I go in the car to get the transmitter... and it's not there. left it in the garage.

No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :cursing:

Can't fly all weekend since the wife is working both days.... (first days back at work in a year).

Hopefully I'll have some nice flying weather next Monday.



:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

that's just as bad as having a plane, transmitter, etc. but NO batteries :crying:
Ok... so I head out from my office on my lunch break, and walk out to my car with a big smile... theres a 71 slick in the back :)
I drive the 10 minutes over to the field, and step out. It's a little windy, maybe 13-15mph, not too bad. I'm ready. I go in the car to get the transmitter... and it's not there. left it in the garage.

No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :cursing:

Can't fly all weekend since the wife is working both days.... (first days back at work in a year).

Hopefully I'll have some nice flying weather next Monday.


Just take the family on a "Field" trip! :) See what I did there? :D


gonna try for wattaplane slick 2.0 in a few minutes, hopefully no broken wing bolts. did scavenge the ones from the AJ yak, just in case.


GSN Contributor
Just take the family on a "Field" trip! :) See what I did there? :D

I wouldn't dream of dragging my 10mo old daughter to the field, and then not watching her for a 15 minute flight, but my 5yr old would love it. Right now, flying and my family don't mix well.

How's your Extra coming along Chad? still getting parts together?
