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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


Guys just got shipping confirmation and tracking on my 72! The ship as they say has come in!!! Where will it go though is the next question View attachment 8606

Congratulations! You're going to love it! You only saw me do break-in flying of mine. I've started hovering and harriering a little and the hover is just SICK! Perfectly locked in! Since you're not really supposed to hover with a new engine, I had to pull out after a few seconds, but I had no problems holding it in the same place with only a little bit of constant right aileron and rudder. As close to hands-off as you can be in a hover. I haven't done any crazy spins yet, as I want to make sure everything is tight first.


LOL thanks Gary! That was just first impression. No J/K. It was great to meet you also I wished we had some more time to chat though. I may plan in the future not to go home one weekend and come up there and fly for a couple days if that's ok.


GSN Contributor
LOL thanks Gary! That was just first impression. No J/K. It was great to meet you also I wished we had some more time to chat though. I may plan in the future not to go home one weekend and come up there and fly for a couple days if that's ok.

I'd be happy to host you at the field I fly at. I usually only get a one-day pass for every other weekend, but I'm sure I can introduce you to some of the other guys that fly here, and they'll host you on the other day. We'll make it work.
We can coor'd here: http://www.3drcforums.com/showthread.php?534-quot-Locals-quot-Thread-for-San-Antonio-Texas



That is awesome! I know I'm booked for the next few weekends but I will check and see what the future holds. If nothing changes I still have about 11 weeks left here.


If anyone here is going to Nall and they have Hitec hs 225's, 5245, or spektrum a 5040's please let me know. I need 2 and I am not sure that anyone will be selling them there.
Thanks a ton in advance,
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70cc twin V2
Little guy is sick today. He said daddy I want to lay downstairs and just play the "airplane game". I said ok. Lol. image.jpg