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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


Strange. I just ordered some random small stuff and I think I got a sticker. I know I have a bunch as well. I have a entire shelf in a cabinet of random decals I have gotten over the years.

I did however receive my 2200 2S LiFE packs. They are so sweet. I hope I can find a slick way to mount them in my MXS that doesn't add weight (the mounting), and in such a way that I can aching the proper CG. All I need now is mt Tech Aero iBEC


Great book...makes you think...

Ayn Rand

It's prophetic as we are "LIVING IT"...The Moochers and the Producers. The latter being the crowd here.

Ayn Rand was raised in Russia so she knows socialism and communism.

Mitt Romney may wear MOM PANTS and drive with his Dog on his car...But he nailed the 47 percent Moochers straight on.

I am a pragmatist Libertarian and this admin is running off Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals" and "Nudge" by Cass Susstein-Samantha Powers husband.

My current read is Scott Stoops......."The Pilot's Guide to Mastering Radio Controlled Flight!" Wow... Back on 3DHS topic!


70cc twin V2
Just returned from my companies annual planning conference . It was held at a very ritzy golf resort called Nemacolin Woodlands. The golfers talked in reverent tones about the course outside our lodgings called Mystic Rock.

They came early with golf bags

I got up early and did dawn flying with my 3D/XA foamie over the empty course and in view of the hotel.

Guess I might be the only person in the planet who has flown aerobatics on the final hole of Mystic Rock



I've been dealing internationally for 37 years and I think I can answer this because I know and work with people from Europe and Asia every day. I once went to Athens to interview an Indian national who worked in England for a Swiss pharmaceutical company for a position in Osaka Japan for a German company that operated in 140 countries when I consulted for them.

Americans are fascinated with more existential things, in general, than most Europeans, for example, because of our inherent nature. Our founders were very smart people that left a Europe where only royalty owned property and had the means to build wealth. If you were not part of the oligarchy, it didn't matter how smart you were, or how hard you were willing to work to build a better life and future for your family. Your 'common' place had to be accepted. That's why no fewer than seven of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were actual geniuses.

So we do not accept our position and have a hard time believing that something better is not just right around the corner because we see others achieving greatness every day through hard work and/or education. This inherently gives us hope, and hope breeds dreams and aspirations that our ancestors from Europe were never able fulfill until they came here.

As for John Galt, because we as individuals feel closer to our government, we feel closer to the powerful that make decisions, and the game of power and politics is more exciting when we feel we can make a difference. There are many books and movies about power, money, and politics, gone wild, and the fact the average citizen can be manipulated by a few, is revolting to us, as are those that embraces mediocrity in the name of egalitarianism. I never felt close to my government when I lived in New York, but here in Florida, I have a lot more access to local and state government. My neighbor was the Mayor, and now she is a state rep, and we can actually make a difference at the grass roots level. Unthinkable in NY, so I can only imagine, and dread, the unreachable levels of the federal government in D.C.

A big federal government scares me and should scare everyone, because this type of access is not possible, and abuse is easy and usually unaccountable. That's why we try to keep this nation a republic and not a democracy because when a big federal government slips it leash, things happen for the few with the power and money, and rest of us slide further and further down the toilet of federalism to the oligarchies that our ancestors did everything they could to escape.

And yes... NOW we have really gone off topic.

You sir are a PHILOSOPHER! Best post I have read on the issue. PERIOD.

Next stop fiat currency collapse unless we take back our government physically-A "million man AR15/M4/AK march" as....

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-Thomas Jefferson

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You sir are a PHILOSOPHER! Best post I have read on the issue. PERIOD.

Next stop fiat currency collapse unless we take back our government physically-A "million man AR15/M4/AK march" as....

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-Thomas Jefferson

I did however receive my 2200 2S LiFE packs. They are so sweet. I hope I can find a slick way to mount them in my MXS that doesn't add weight (the mounting), and in such a way that I can aching the proper CG. All I need now is mt Tech Aero iBEC

Probably just make a light ply mount that elevates slightly on the aft part of the tunnel so that you can get straps under it. That or just dremel slots and run the straps through the tunnel top. It looked like Jeff had a pretty slick setup in his. I got one of those stupid heavy Dubro tail wheels and that solved my CG issue.


Ah, what the heck... Since this thread has devolved into the forbidden topic of politics, I may just as well continue down that road.

Good to hear that I'm a producer at least. :) I think I've paid high six fixures in taxes since I moved here...

Where I was going with the Christian Right thing is that there's an obvious conflict between Christianity and Rand's atheism, but also a pretty clear conflict between Jesus' teachings about modesty and charity on one hand and Rand's extreme capitalism and "every man for themselves" on the other. I've always wondered how people handle such an obvious cognitive dissonance.

As far as growing up in a socialist country, I think I can relate. Sweden was mildly socialist when I grew up and it sure was a damper on creativity and hope for prosperity. There's a reason I ended up here. The opportunities for someone like me to make a ton of money are much better here than back in Europe. But the risk of falling through the cracks is also higher. It's a calculated risk that's worth taking in my case.