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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
I saw Andrews Godfrey in person with a DA200 a few weeks back here in Vegas. What an incredible plane!

Yeah, it looks like he did some mods to the cowl to accelerate more air into the cowl. This is what it looks like now...

Cody took some picture of it at the IMAC worlds. It is to get cooling into the aft cylinders of the DA-200. NACA scoops. Not sure how they were made.


70cc twin V2
I never saw a Godfrey 260 so it may be something else then. The one in the pic above was the plane he won TAS with recently, then ML Jr won after that with his Dalton ML. I think there is one place to get the 300 now, and I think the guy's name is Mike and I think he lives in MI... licensing the kits. He's also a great builder. Forget his last name tho.


I hate Apple Updates, I try to never update until an app or a program requires that I do so. I am the opposite of an eariloy adopter when it comes to software. It has to be pretty darn special for me to upgrade Zeros and Ones!

Btw, after many hours of cleaning up over 1000 paths, I finally did a test render of just a part of your logo. But as I said before, I can make model just about any graphic into a 3D one. The fonts were a help, but even so the bottom text is so complex, it was almost 3,500 paths. I am down to 1.081 now :)


[MENTION=2466]Superstocktx[/MENTION] I still need to do the swoosh and try and bend the text to match the curve. It's just time, but Ill get it. AKf

You can see it larger here on my server.
http://lilsamedia.com/keg/KEG Text Test 3D Render 1.jpg

One with a little different reflection.
http://lilsamedia.com/keg/KEG Text Test 3D Render 2.jpg

You can see in this render how many paths I whittled it down to.
http://lilsamedia.com/keg/KEG Text Test 3D Render 3.jpg
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