70cc twin V2
Thank god i voted this bundle of joy ! seeing his joy ? priceless
Wow Donnie! That is Awesome!Ladies, Gents, and @SleepyC we have a new pilot. My buddy and I got my son up this morning for his first flights on his new Futaba 10J ( Thank you again to GSN, @Terryscustom and @thelaw ). Jacob didn't want us using his radio, so @emtp275 stuck one of his rx's for his 8FG in Jacob's trainer, and we used the 10J for buddy box. He loved it, I've tried this many times, with little to no success, so I never pushed or forced him to fly. He'd ask, I'd set it up, usually bout 30 secs to a minute after take off, he was gone, back to pit area to eat chips, and drink mountain dew, but the last week or so he has really wanted to learn to fly. Well we did it, and if I may say so with great success, he was making turns, and leveling wings himself without help from me or @emtp275. I'm floating in the clouds right now, as he been talking and jabbering on about his flights, only thing that makes me twitch a little is when he mentions, himself flying my Sukhoi, Slick, and Edge, guess all I got left is Bertha the bi-plane. THank You Justin for the help, can I fly your planes? I don't have no planes now.