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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


"Cool Guy"
Four 12 plus minute flights today. Lovin' the PAU 300 more each time I take it out. 14 mph winds gusting to 21 by the last two flights and it says' "Eh...nuttin' to it, gimme more!" I'm thinking tomorrow is a big orange Sukhoi kinda day!!

I finally got my little orange Sukhoi ready to run some fuel threw her tomorrow. Still got to cut cowl, and balance so no maiden, but getting close.


"Cool Guy"
You best not fly that thing while Im at work no way LOL, I want pics and the chance to hear your knees knock the first 30sec of the first flight.

This paticular maiden will probably happen when only you and I sneak out one early morn. I still gotta go get wire for batt extensions. If you think the knee knocking is impressive, wait till ya hear me talking to myself, while I'm doing maiden. Then if all goes well, there's the Happy Dance. NO video of the dance please, I don't need dancing with the stars beating on my door.


Damn I'm hungry
Weather has been beautiful and in the 80's! Still not able to take advantage for I beez working on the "house" instead of planes.

Just finished a custom pedestal sink for the bath room. But the sunset today was picture perfect.
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