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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


640cc Uber Pimp
Sad thing is, the guys that can really fly a shank can pick up a plankbone and huck it like no other in no time.
We've got a good 3D heli pilot at our field that was a former team pilot for a couple of companies over the years. I asked him back when I first met him if he flew planes and his answer was airplanes scare him.;)


640cc Uber Pimp
I tried helis once... Could loop them fly them inverted....but just gave up and admitted I will never be good with a heli like I am with a plane...Would like to see top heli pilots go at it in FPV racing with the 250 size quads....
I started messing with heli's late last fall. I've got less than 25 flights in so far. I can hover nose in and loop and roll and things, but unless I can spend more time at it I doubt I'll progress much farther. Airplanes are still at the top of my list.

'Nuf said!