HRRC Flyer
GSN Sponsor Tier 1
28.5X12S three blade Mej.Sometimes, maidens can't wait and we have to take the weather we get huh? Been there more than once myself. LOL. It's always a good day of flying when everyone goes home happy. Just out of curiosity, what prop are you running on your DA 170? It's a triple right?
Russian and redneck combo.Nice Russian Bird!
Got out this past Fri. eve, and yesterday, bought froze my butt off yesterday, but got in some crosswind landing practice, In the freaking 40's, but at least burnt some fuel.Well, heck...."HELLOOOOOO"! Anyone make it out flying? It's awfully quiet here. Spooky....
I on the other hand got three flights in today with the 107" Edge. I added a bit more rudder the other day when I was doing some maintenance on it. Also added another 7 degrees down elevator. First flight I took her high in the sky and stalled her, slammed the rudder and elevators and tossed in a little gas pedal. Wow!! Talk about wicked fast knife edge spins. I was almost afraid I would break the tail clean off that Pilot Edge. Yeah...not so much. Though the wind was blowing around 13-18, the sun was shinning and clear blue skies. What a great time.
Made it out Saturday, it was about 70 degrees. Quite a few guys when I got there but everybody ended up leaving early for one reason or another. By 3:30 I was there by myself and ended up packing up and locking the gate. It was a shame because the weather was perfect partly cloudy, maybe a 4 mph breeze... Dang!