That was one of the smoother flights of the day

Figured out that without the spinner it is a touch tail heavy which made it super sensitive to the elevator so, it took a few flights to get used to that but, by the 4th flight I was able to get through the Intermediate sequence without zeroing everything

I even managed to get the roller done and have it look semi decent.
I love the RE3's on this engine. I am currently running 13 3/4" headers and it is not real peaky, just the way I like it. I know I may be giving up a bit on performance but, I believe in using the whole throttle range, not just off or full throttle
The Falcon 30x13W is nowhere near enough prop for this engine and it isn't even broke in yet. I have a Mejzlik 31x12EVO-L that I am going to throw on and see what happens. If that isn't enough, then I will try a friends 29x12n 3 blade. I have a strange feeling that I will end up with a 30x12 3 blade before it is all done.