Xtreme by DeFinition !
Since 2007 and for every 2 years there is the EXFC, European Xtreme Flight Championship.
I first got there in 2007 as a caller for Ido Segev, and went with him all the way to 2009 and 2011 when he took the first place.
Since than I've been dreaming about going there and participate with one of the world's best freestyle pilots, just to see how it is to fly among giants, well that dream is coming true thanks to two good friends, Tomas and Ivo...well...Iv'e got a plane in the US for the NATs 2013 and the Worlds 2014, I dont have much budget right now for a Eu plane, maybe later....so Tomas is letting me use his Krill Extra SC w/MVVS 175 for the contest...SSSWEEETTT !
Noting much to expect, its my first true int' freestyle contest I'm going to but as I always say, its a very good stick time and experience.
I'm flying today, just to meet with Tomas and the new RV we've rented for the weekend, then to the nearest flying field, which is the well known "Czeck Heaven" to test the Extra and to calibrate it.
On the 19th we're driving to Znojmo, Model City, where the EXFC is going to take place, since 2007, practice a little more and wait to the pilot briefing.
The contest is from the 21st-23rd, Fri-Sun.
I'll post pictures and give you a full coverage throughout the contest.
In the pictures, me and my baby girl practicing...she is in charge of the cheering...
I first got there in 2007 as a caller for Ido Segev, and went with him all the way to 2009 and 2011 when he took the first place.
Since than I've been dreaming about going there and participate with one of the world's best freestyle pilots, just to see how it is to fly among giants, well that dream is coming true thanks to two good friends, Tomas and Ivo...well...Iv'e got a plane in the US for the NATs 2013 and the Worlds 2014, I dont have much budget right now for a Eu plane, maybe later....so Tomas is letting me use his Krill Extra SC w/MVVS 175 for the contest...SSSWEEETTT !
Noting much to expect, its my first true int' freestyle contest I'm going to but as I always say, its a very good stick time and experience.
I'm flying today, just to meet with Tomas and the new RV we've rented for the weekend, then to the nearest flying field, which is the well known "Czeck Heaven" to test the Extra and to calibrate it.
On the 19th we're driving to Znojmo, Model City, where the EXFC is going to take place, since 2007, practice a little more and wait to the pilot briefing.
The contest is from the 21st-23rd, Fri-Sun.
I'll post pictures and give you a full coverage throughout the contest.
In the pictures, me and my baby girl practicing...she is in charge of the cheering...