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Cool Tucson IMAC 2018 March 10-11 Big Prizes!


The 2018 Tucson IMAC is on for March 10-11. The field will be open for practice on March 9th. This is an AMA sanction event.

Camping is welcome, but no electricity for camping. There is however Electricity for charging aircraft batteries. For after hours fun keep in mind there is no gas flying at night. Electrics are welcome to fly at night.

Hosted Club: Tucson Radio Control Club

Event Registration

Goal: 4 Known Rounds. 1 Unknown Round. 2 Freestyle Rounds

March 9th
This is practice day. Only two pilot stations will be open. Please allow those that arrive later in the day to cut in line to at least get one practice flight in. No gas planes may fly at night. Foamies and electrics are welcome!

March 10th
7:00 AM- Registration Opens
7:30 AM- Pilots Meeting
8:00 AM- Wheels Up
Three Known Rounds will be flown. If time allows 1 Freestyle Round
Open Flying after contest is over for the day. You may fly as long as you DONT have your unknown.
March 11th
8:00 AM- Pilots Meeting
8:15 AM- Wheels Up
Unknown Round followed by 1 Known Round and Freestyle Round 2
Hope to finish the contest no later than 2:00 PM.

Entry Fee:
IMAC PRE-PAID: $30 (Comes with Event Shirt)
IMAC: $35
Non-IMAC: $55
Basic Pilots: $20 (must be IMAC member)
First Time Pilots: $5 (fee waived if you join IMAC)

Paypal Pre-Registration Link
Please use Family and Friends and also Put Shirt Size in Notes

Tucson Cup Award
This year we will award a cash prize for the Tucson Cup Award. In order to be eligible for this award the pilot must compete in Precision and Freestyle.
Known = 50%
Unknown= 20%
Freestyle = 30%


Current Sponsor List

Title Sponsor
R/C Depot- $1000 cash donation and $1600 product donation

Athens Trophy Shop- Trophy Donation
Thunder Power Batteries
Terry Custom Designs - Cups for the winners
Sew Busy- Custom Polos for the winners
R/C Plane Stands by Gene Lavine
Pulse Batteries
Bob Smith Industries
White Rose Engineering
Ready Made R/C - Nano Goblin PNP
B&E Graphix
Rolling Chicken Stick
Desert Aircraft - $500, $300, and $200 gift card for a DA Engine.
Northwest R/C - $200 worth of Gift Certificates
AJ Aircraft


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Current Sponsor List 2.28.2018

Title Sponsor:
R/C Depot

Athens Trophy Shop- Trophy Donation
Thunder Power Batteries
Terry Custom Designs - Cups for the winners
Sew Busy- Custom Polos for the winners
R/C Plane Stands by Gene Lavine
Pulse Batteries
Bob Smith Industries
White Rose Engineering
Ready Made R/C - Nano Goblin PNP
B&E Graphix
Rolling Chicken Stick
Desert Aircraft - $500, $300, and $200 gift card for a DA Engine.
Northwest R/C - $200 worth of Gift Certificates
AJ Aircraft
Tru Turn
Holy Smokes


Awesome! Hope to make it down there sometime. Most likely will have to wait until the kids are out of the house, though. Maybe I’ll be ready for a freestyle by then too! ;)

Special thanks to all the sponsors!!


70cc twin V2
Anyone interested in a NIB 1/3 scale H9 Cap 232? I can deliver it over the weekend if interested.