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3D Viper ST build continued part 2


image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg Ok, I got a little break with life tonight, and got a little work done on the build The first thing I did was make sure all the fit was as it should be on the hatch. Next I layed the glass I plan on using over the hatch for a rough cut, relief cutting the area where it will go over the dash area.


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image.jpg Next I made a clean cut about 1/2 inch all around the edge of the hatch for a slight overhang that will get sanded flush after the resin is dry. I used the original seam to follow as can be seen through the transparancy of the glass. Then I made my relief cuts deeper, and closer to be able to wrap the dash. Then the last part for the evening, spray the hatch with hairspray to keep the resin from soaking into the wood to deep, thus saving wait from too much resin!


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image.jpg Apoligies all, been going through the ringer with business partners! The truth is I'm getting screwed! Have paper work and an attorney to prove it! I did manage to get the hatch glassed. I mixed the resin needed, spread it on with a brush so that it is not to wet looking, but also gets the air bubbles out and saturates the glass.


I also got the dash area covered, but failed to pay attention to the type of resin I used, so as the resin cured- it unfortunately ate the foam away. So I will be cutting that area loose to fix the foam area and cover it with balsa sheeting then glass the top of that. Here are a couple photos of the dash area before I cut it apart.


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640cc Uber Pimp
Bummer, didn't know there was an epoxy resin that would eat foam but obviously you are using a more industrial resin maybe urethane based?

Normally I would give you a huge amount of crap about how we built that plane in three days and it's taken this long to glass a hatch........BUT. Considering that I understand what you are going through......take your time and keep it fun dude.:way_to_go: With luck we'll be down your way in a couple of weeks for some flying and fresh air!!!!!