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What beer ya drinking tonight?


@Mikeq @Bipeguy03 @Decal Dennis

I went to a fundraiser last night at the Eagles Hall. Look what I won on the silent auction! This baby is going to look sweet in the basement!

View attachment 19497

Absolutely awesome Mike! Damn now I got to get me a mirror... 300 bucks whoa but I guess that's a small price to pay for awesomeness and you got that baby for 130 so you got one hell of a deal. LOL. I guess if you're gonna have a decent bar you got to have the Guinness etched mirror.:cheers:


lil helper.jpg
@pawnshopmike ...Combed the entire liquor store and finally found something brewed by Mothers...and I must say it is an excellent IPA at about 7% alcohol by volume. They only had two other brands of mothers one was three blind mice and I can't remember the other one something blonde. I was thinking about asking the manager, since they are able to get mothers, if he couldn't order me some MILF...Then I'd be happier than a pig wallowing in Sh*t....:fist_pump:


Does it have to be tonight, or can I start now? Its 1:30pm and I'm ready to start tinkering on my planes, my fingers don't work properly without a little fluid first!

I'm self-employed so my drinking starts wherever I'm done for the day be a earlier be it late. I remember my dear old dad was a big time beer drinker and on the weekends he used to say you had a problem if you drank before noon but he would also say it's noon somewhere regardless of what time it is here...LOL
View attachment 19652 @pawnshopmike ...Combed the entire liquor store and finally found something brewed by Mothers...and I must say it is an excellent IPA at about 7% alcohol by volume. They only had two other brands of mothers one was three blind mice and I can't remember the other one something blonde. I was thinking about asking the manager, since they are able to get mothers, if he couldn't order me some MILF...Then I'd be happier than a pig wallowing in Sh*t....:fist_pump:
That's awesome! Looks and sounds like a good brew......and you made me laugh. Thank goodness I didn't have a beer in my hand when I read your post, I'd a had a little nasal spillage, and nobody likes spilling beer!
Oh, and just cracked a Ballast Point Sculpin. Yeah I know same as the other night, but it's damn near my favorite. Strong hoppy taste, 7%.