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What beer ya drinking tonight?


Staff member
Tried a new one tonight. I like it way better than the original New Castle. And I know a thing or two about New Castle.:D

Decal Dennis

OK!!!!....now that I got the internet issues fixed that my nephew decided to screwed up!!!!

Nothing like having open wifi for all to access your network and files!!!!

So much for getting any work done tonight!!!

I'm done venting now


Cashier as I'm buying some Guinness,

Girl: "Isn't this stuff like really thick?"
Me: "No, it is just a full flavored stout where most people in the U.S drink pilsners."
Girl: "Okay, my boyfriend drinks Natural Light,"

Me: "You don't have a boyfriend, you have a girlfriend..."

Happy fathers day, to those of you that are dads! I'm having a beer for you tonight!