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What beer ya drinking tonight?


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Another local popular brewing company here in Atlanta, Red Brick Brewing. Just can't get to all the great IPA'S. Add in some ribs that took me all day to smoke and a Braves game on while we eat and this IPA is really good.



GSN Sponsor Tier 1
No beer for me today. Drank a few too many Boulevard Single Wide IPA's yesterday.:p

Funny, I just came here to say the same. Too many good IPA's yesterday after a large party at our neighborhood pool.(Dogfish 60 minute, Ranger, Sierra Nevada Torpedo, maybe more but I don't remember). :cheers::confused??::sleeping:


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Local sports bar's beer selection is getting worse and worse. A few good names on the draft menu but I don't like draft beer. The bottled beer menu is mostly rice water now (bud, miller, etc) and no ipas. So day 2 with no beer. :(


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I'm still out so nothing tonight. Drafted my summer baseball team tonight so no time for beer anyway.