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Yippee! What the postman brought


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I bought a mill rotary table (Vevor). Shockingly poorly made but oh well, high accuracy not needed in the hobby world.



640cc Uber Pimp
What size is it? Mine is small but so is my mill. Used it once and it did the job. When the need arises you be happy you have it.


640cc Uber Pimp
A 180 grit CBN wheel on the left and 320 grit diamond wheel on the right, about $60 on Temu. Takes about 15 minutes to coast down.View attachment 123042
WoW never really seen this type of grinding wheels before very interesting. Then I watched a couple videos on the CBN wheels and got interested. Then looked the wheels up and was shocked at the price. The cheapest one could find was $200.


640cc Uber Pimp
I paid $60 for both on Temu. Might not last long, we shall see. I put an edge on a brazed carbide bit tool with the CBN wheel before the diamond wheel arrived.


640cc Uber Pimp
Postman been busy, brought these new contour gauges, 6" and 10" long, both have locking feature. Used them for making the cabin rear former in the Cherokee. Much nicer than the old wire version, had a few bent wires and while trying to correct the situation it fell into many pieces, pitched it and bought these on Amazon. If you need a contour gauge , you will be happy with these.
