Um ya... try shipping random odds and ends to Southeast Alaska without Amazon, you wouldn't be buying much. Most of our planes coming in are hauling amazon boxes. More boxes = more jobs = healthy economy = nick gets his goods shipped cheap and relatively fast. When I worked on the FedEx planes I would help sling boxes when they were short staffed just because I could... and trust me Amazon if popular here almost 30% bulk increase last year. Just think about that. Oh and It's sad when Petco has a 40lb bag of dog food for $70 and Amazon has the same bag shipped to your door in less than a week for $40. Guess what petco.. you lost business with an almost 40-50% price gap... justify that. Sitka and Ketchikan got a lot of dog food HA HA
Nobody sells Redline here in Juneau. But Amazon does online, with the best price, and fast free shipping.
So you were saying what
@stangflyer ? LOL welcome to my neck of the woods.